Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Academy of Sciences

Thursday, April 4, 2013
Discovery Museum
Yesterday we went to the Discovery Museum. Kids love it here. It was a little crazy yesterday. We went on free day and it was spring break. A little stressful trying to keep an eye on where your two kids are going. Henry at one point was running around and slipped and scrapped his elbow. We went to ask someone where we could go to find a band-aid and they said to just wait there and someone will come to you. It was so nice. They treated him like a big deal, rushing right over. I think Kate’s favorite part was climbing the trees.
Later that afternoon I had to take Henry in for a hearing test. When we were in Chicago Henry had been in speech therapy for 6 months. So since the move we are just trying to get him back into it but we have to re-do all the evaluations and tests. I knew that Henry didn’t have a hearing problem but they required us to do one. So we did. And he passed. They said he has perfect hearing. And on top of it they said that he was the most well behaved 2 year old they have ever had. He did so well.
So all in all a good day!
Good Friday 2013