Snow Snow Snow
It's the 2nd day of spring and we got inches and inches of snow in just one day. This morning when I took Craig to the train there was no snow on the ground and when I went to pick him up everywhere you looked snow covered everything.

I hated taking Katelyn out in this crazy weather but I didn't want to have Craig walking home in it either. So we bundled her up and went and picked up dad.

I'm ready for it to be warm just like all the rest of you. I don't like staying in all day. But I thought I would share some things that did make me laugh today so the day wasn't too bad

Watching Ellen (you had to see the last few days I guess to know why she was so funny)

Who's Line is it anyway
Both shows make me laugh out loud for minutes on end. When I watch them they always put me in a better mood.