American Idol is my favorite show on T.V. and I never miss a night. The top 24 is never one of my favorite parts of the season but we are now in the final 12!
(woo hoo) So I thought I would share who my favorites are this season.

Brooke White

David Archuleta

David Cook
I am going to have to set this up on tivo I keep forgetting what night it is on and just catch the tail end...
Oh...I love Idol! Yes...definately some of my favorites too! Good picks. So I think Brooke might be a mormon....I wouldn't be suprised if she wasn't too, but she's never seen a rated R movie, young and married, and she goes to church regularly.....what do you think?
I am so-so on David Cook. He is going to have to grow some hair or something for me to REALLY like him.
i agree rachel! i don't love his hair either. but i'm a huge fan of brooke white.
did you know that david's dad grew up in my and kathy's neighborhood? we're famous!
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