She was totally fine and playing with the other kids as soon as our session was over.
Katelyn really is growing up. At 9 months here are a few things she's doing and loves.
-claps her hands
-hits to show her excitement (I know weird)
-stands sometimes by herself
-likes to play with kids
-gets into everything
-tries to climb out of her crib
-laughs more often
-waves hi and bye (sometimes)
-refuses to eat baby food
-throws tantrums already
-loves to empty all her clothes out of her drawer's
-starting to get clingy
-likes to cuddle with her blankets now when she goes to sleep
She's a joy!
I can't believe she's already 9 months! Crazy!! She's a doll
Lindsay I'm glad you found me! Chicago, what takes you there? You're not too far away from Cleveland, I'd love to see you if you came this way! Your little girl looks just like you, very cute! Keep in touch!
I too would love to see you in Cleveland. Katelyn is so cute. I miss playing with you guys.
She is so cute, even on an off day!! I can't believe she is already 9 months old.
She is a joy!! I love her spirit!
Those pictures of her are soooo cute! We hope you had a good birthday, Lindsay!
We have two pups left, but we have been getting calls like crazy for them so I guess we'll see what happens.
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