So we’ve had a good start to this “Good Friday”. I thought it might be a rough day when Hank woke up about 6:15 which is totally abnormal but I got him up, changed his clothes cause he was a little wet, and then gave him some milk and he went back to bed and slept until about 8:45. So I was able to sleep in until about 7:45. So nice. Then for breakfast we all had strawberry banana smoothies with spinach. They were so yummy. And when Hank woke up I gave him a big glass of it and he drank the whole thing. In short this kid NEVER eats anything. It’s such a chore at meal time getting anything down him. So I think I will be making smoothies more often now. He loved it!
Then we headed off to an Easter egg hunt the park district was doing. Hank and Kate had a lot fun (except for meeting Ronald and the Easter bunny; Hank hated that part )!
Then we headed out for lunch. I thought lets keep this good day going. Kate didn’t have any school because of the holiday so we didn’t have to rush back for that so I thought let go to lunch. So we went to my favorite and now Kate’s favorite, Chili’s (she likes to play the games and watch cartoons on the little kiosk thingy). They were so good. Better than they ever are when I take them out to restaurant. Kate was calm and ate most of her food. Hank sat and actually ATE food. Shocking! So good kids and yummy food.
Now we’re home and Hank is down for his nap and Kate is being good playing with all her goodies from the hunt. Which means I get to have some time to catch up on the blog. Fantastic day so far. I think what would top it off is having Craig walk in the door before 6.
hint hint
love the pics! especially the one w/ all of you and ronald. henry looks thrilled! glad you had a fun day!
I love the pic of Hank crying with Ronald. Haha! Looks like an awesome day! Miss you!
Katelyn looks so much like you in her picture with Ronald!
Love it when you post new pics. And "H" Apa doesn't like clowns either. What a fun day.
Love it when you post new pics. And "H" Apa doesn't like clowns either. What a fun day.
I love those Illinois Candy Grabs! - Look at all those eggs on the ground, that's no egg hunt! Brings back great memories! So much fun!
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