1. Grab the book closest to you (has to be at least 123 pages)
2. Turn to page 123
3. Find the 5th sentence
4. Post the 5th sentence on your blog
5. Tag 5 people
The book closest to me was "What to expect the first year". On page 123 at the top of the page is a box called "Cracking the crying code". How ironic since I have a crying baby all the time :) The 5th sentence says..."The hunger cry is often preceded by hunger cues, such as lip smacking, rooting, or finger sucking." Interesting...I'm not sure how much help this really is..

I tag Amanda and Jolyn
(I didn't tag 5. Sorry)
thanks so much for the bow web site! i am so excited!
i dunno if you already know this, but i bought the knee highs that are in the plastic containers for 33 cents at Wal-Mart and they work perfectly for the head bands... ( they look like the containers that come out of the 50 cent toy machines at the front of the stores)
I don't love that book. We have it too! I think it's funny you opened up to that page though.
so does this mean I can't do it because you didn't tag me??? I guess that is good since my friend stacy tagged me two weeks ago and I still have not responded what a bad friend!
Katelyn give mommy a break, no crying well it works for ava sometimes anyway...
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