What is his name? Craig Fryer
How long have we been married? 3 years next month
How long did we date? about a year
How old is he? 26 on Friday
Who eats more? I'm not sure...we both eat a lot I think
Who said I love you first? He did
Who is taller? Craig is
Who sings better? I don't think we're both any good but I'm sure I'm better :) Craig isn't much of a singer.
Who is smarter? Craig is. He's pretty smart
Whose temper is worse? I think his is. But I can get pretty upset sometimes too.
Who pays the bills? That's all him :)
Who does the laundry? I do. It's easier to do it during the day when I'm at home instead of waiting for him to get home and help.
Who cooks dinner? I try to but Craig is a picky eater. A lot of the time he ends up cooking dinner himself. But it's great. He's a good cook.
Who drives when together? He does
Who is more stubborn? I am probably
Who is the first to admit when wrong? he does....I'm always right! :) (jk)
Who wears the pants in the family? I'm not sure. I'm a stickler on a lot of things and Craig is pretty good at supporting that but he can put his foot down on things important to him. So I guess we both do.
Who mows the lawn? We both don't have to. Perks to living in a condo I guess. Someone else takes care of that stuff.
Who kissed who first? He did
Who asked who out first? He did
Who proposed? Craig did
What is my favorite thing about him? Craig loves to pamper me. I love it. He's so good to me.
St. Kitts Aug. 2007
Las Vegas Coke Factory May 2007
Family Reunion June 2006
May 14, 2005
I tag Amanda,Sarah,Rachel,McKinzie,and Kristina.
What a HOT couple. I will be sure to husband tag soon. It may be scary though...
you two look sooooooo good!
cute pics linds!
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