-Plays with her tongue constantly
-Makes many new sounds now that's she's discovered she really can talk
-Refuses to sleep on her back. I put her to sleep on her back and she immediately rolls over to her stomach.
-She's gained 12 ounces in a month...whoa that's huge! :)
-She's sitting up. She tips over every once in awhile but she's pretty good. I can leave her alone sitting up and I don't have to worry to much about her.
-She eats better
-Still cries a lot
-Mom loves her more than ever

She is so so cute!!! I love the picture people photo - really darling shot of her! Her legs look so skinny and feminine in the onesie pic! I'm really impressed that she can sit up so well too.
OH she is just adorable! I love the picture with her and the flowers! Happy 5 months!!
Lindsay she looks so cute!! I can't wait to see you guys when you come out!!
What a cute little girl.
Hey Lindsay & Craig! We are so glad you guys have a blog! We are new at ours, but we are learning! Your baby is absolutely darling! Lindsay, I love the hair bows!!! Do you make those? We found your blog on Clint & Amanda's site. It's fun to read how you are doing so far away!
Love, Jess & Spencer
Hello Lindsay???? Why aren't you blogging??? I am starting to get worried about you guys.....hope you didn't fall of the face of the planet. :) j/k hope you guys are doing good....are you going home this summer? we'll be in burley the 29th-6th or something like that and in utah the next week. hopefully we can see you!
Hey Craig and Lindsay. This is the Sessions (Mindy and Garrett from Salt Lake). Your blog is so cute and I found it from Kelly's. We're living North of Chicago. We'll have to get together sometime. You guys are so cute!!
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