Sunday, July 20, 2008

Have you ever...

been so bugged by something either for a short period of time or for a while and then all the sudden this "thing" affects you? I feel like this happens to me all the time and today it happened.

All week for some reason I've been bugged more than usual about Evanston street parking. For my friends who are not from around here (and for those who will know what I'm talking about) I live off a busy street, Isabella. It's a pretty wide street. Wide enough that two cars can easily fit down....that is unless there are cars parked on both sides of the street and then all of the more room. Only one car can now go through. Now if there are two cars coming at the same time usually one will have to wait till the other gets through cause it is just not possible for them both to fit. Happens all the time, and I HATE it. So today I'm driving to church and I come to this part of the road where two cars are parked on both sides of the road and only I can fit. There is a small sedan heading right towards me. Of course I think he is going to wait cause I was there before he was and was already going through...but no..he decides to go...Idiot...There is no room. I have to swerve to the right to miss him and in doing so I hit the van that is on the side of the road. I stop (he doesn't) and luckily I didn't damage the van, and my mirror (that has popped out) is easily fixed. I was so mad. I wish they would just make this street a one side only parking street. Would make my life a whole lot easier. I spend so much time just waiting for stupid cars to go through these little spaces when it's a road I should be able to just keep driving on with out stopping. Grrrrrr


Sarah S said...

YIKES Lindsay!! I am so sorry that happened to you. That other guy was such a jerk for not stopping! I am glad though that there wasn't any major damage done to either of the cars. Silly Evanston and its skinny streets... it will be nice when the Sheridan construction is finally over and people stop using Isabella so much.

sjhalford said...

I am sorry, that is annoying. Thanks for commenting on our blog. It means a lot. We both think you have such a cute lil girl!

Jenn said...

I totally know how you feel. I love driving down Isabella, but hate waiting for people to go through!

Halfords said...

That would bug me too! Thats good no cars were damaged. That would've made it worse. I would've been ticked!

Krazy Khania said...

AMEN sister! I hate this particular behavior in this town. I've never experienced this anywhere else but I think it continues as tradition.

Krazy Khania said...

PS I would have played chicken until that guy hit me ;)