Saturday, April 12, 2008

Inspirational Story

My cousin had this website... on her blog. It's an inspirational story of the courage of a woman and her baby on the way. Her story brought tears to my eyes as I read through her last few months of pregnancy and the day her girl arrived. Going through child birth so recently I know how high the emotions can run. And in all honesty I don't know how well I could have handled it if I had to go through something like this. I am inspired by her courage. This story really brings it home and helps me to remember how thankful I am to know that our family will be together forever.


Sarah S said...

I just checked out that blog - it is so sad. It makes me appreciate Eli even more!

mama jo said...

that is so sad..what a brave and strong person she is...aren't they lucky to have had her for that day?